What is ITS Factory?
ITS Factory community has been established to strengthen public and private partnerships. The common goal of the community is to produce business-oriented solutions to enable fluent, sustainable, and safe transport. The community has been active since 2006, but the name ITS Factory has been in use since 2012. The ITS Factory community currently consists of over 100 members, companies, research organisations and other organisations.
Co-operation in the community helps the members in developing innovative solutions and finding partnerships and new business opportunities.
ITS Factory strategy
The activities in the ITS Factory community are guided by ITS Factory strategy 2023-2028. There are four focus areas that advances the goals of the community:
Channel for dialogue between industry players and the city
ITS Factory operates as a regional contact point for national and international cooperation. ITS Factory organizes events to connect members and city/regional staff, and actively communicates industry events and opportunities.
Comprehensive data and information services for the developer community
ITS Factory collects and shares information on ITS Wiki. Information on ITS standardization and regulation is gathered and shared.
Accelerator for the use and development of the experimentation platform
ITS Factory takes a stance and actively promotes smart transportation projects initiated by the members. ITS Factory keeps up a dialogue about experiments between the members and the city.
Benefits for city residents
Projects promote a diverse transportation system and sustainable, smooth mobility, benefiting city residents. Utilizing solutions in the appropriate traffic environment at the neighborhood level and assessing their impact.
ITS Factory strategy has been updated in a close cooperation with the city of Tampere strategy document: Guidelines for sustainable and smart urban mobility 2023-2028. Both documents are available below in Finnish:
ITS Factory strategy 2023-2028 + presentation
City of Tampere: Guidelines for sustainable and smart urban mobility 2023-2028 + presentation